Analysis of linear mechanical structures with uncertainties by means of interval methods
One of the simplest ways of representation of uncertain or inexact data, as well as inexact computations with them, is based on interval arithmetic. In this approach, an uncertain (real) number is represented by an interval (a continuous bounded subset) of real numbers which presumably contains the unknown exact value of the number in question. Despite its simplicity, it conforms very well to many practical situations, like tolerance handling or managing rounding errors in numerical computations. Also, the so-called α-cut method of handling fuzzy sets membership functions is based on replacing a fuzzy set problem with a set of interval problems. The purpose of this paper is to investigate possibilities of and problems with application of interval methods in (qualitative) analysis of linear mechanical systems with parameter uncertainties, in particular truss structures and frames. The paper starts with an introduction to interval arithmetic and systems of linear interval equations, including an overview of basic methods for finding interval estimates for the set of solutions of such systems. The methods are further illustrated by several examples of practical problems, solved by our hybrid system of analysis of mechanical structures. Finally, several general problems with using interval methods for analysis of such linear systems are identified, with promising avenues for further research indicated as a result. The problems discussed include estimation inaccuracy of the algorithms (especially the fundamental problem of matrix coefficient dependence), their computational complexity, as well as inadequate development of methods for analysis of interval systems with singular matrices.
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